Sacrificial Giving

Americans celebrate many holidays, but there is probably not one so memorable as Christmas. Families come together and fellowship over food. The tree sits in its special place lit up with tinsel and lights. Packages are wrapped with special paper and bows. Christmas songs are played filling hearts with cheer. …But what is this all about? We are celebrating the Gift of God, Jesus Christ. “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift” (II Cor. 9:15). Jesus so loved that He lay His life down in death for all of mankind. If you are born-again, you received this “unspeakable gift,” Jesus, the greatest Gift of all.
Sometimes we confront people at Christmas and their attitudes are not so joyful. In other words, “Humbug.” Can you imagine how you would feel if family began to complain about your upcoming birthday? “Oh, no, it’s that time of year again; I have to buy you a gift; I have to cook; or your birthday is so expensive.” We wouldn’t say that to anyone, but have the people of God made Jesus’ birthday a grievous occasion? Christians need to repent to our precious Lord if this has been our attitude.
We that are Christians are born of the nature of God, which is Love. He so loved that He gave. Our nature will also be to give. We first offer our bodies unto God as living sacrifices (Rom. 12:1). We are not our own, we are bought with the blood of our God, Jesus. We received His Best; and in turn, we give Him our all -- our best.
How does your gift giving declare your heart? Does it say because “I love you so much, I give.” Is the best gift, the one with the biggest price tag? How can you place a price tag on God’s gift, His Son? You can’t. The value of a gift is often the sacrifice of love. Charese, my daughter, sacrificed hours making a beautiful scrapbook written as if it was from my grandson. The book included pictures and writings of memorable moments that we had enjoyed. She made me a second book written as if her second son had written it. I know the sacrifice that she made in order to declare her love for me. I’ve watched my mother’s sacrifice of extra hard labor so that she could express her amazing love to me and my family in special gifts. I have seen her go without so that we could have. Christmas is about demonstrating the celebration of Jesus’ birthday. One way that we can do this is by celebrating members of His Body. These members may be in your immediate family, they may be the lonely ones in the nursing home, or they may be a single mom who is struggling to make ends meet. Remember, Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”