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Reposition Yourself (Jan. 2022)

Several years ago, Robert and I were teaching a class in the church that we presently attend. We taught this class for 10 years. The class had approximately 100 people who attended. The attendance began to slack off; and Robert and I sought the Lord as to why.

I had a dream. In the dream, we stood at the podium to begin our class. This time, there was something so wrong. The sanctuary was full of people, but they were all facing the back of the church. The Lord said to us, “Reposition yourself.” I looked at Robert, and he looked at me. At the same time, Robert and I grabbed the podium and headed to the back of the church and faced the people. I continued teaching as if everything was normal. I woke up and again the Lord said to me, “Reposition yourself.”

I’ll be honest, I did not know what the Lord meant. I prayed and sought the Lord as to what He wanted us to do. I knew that the people in the dream were facing a direction that was not the norm. How would I reach them? Should I stay in my normal place, doing the normal things, and hope for normal results?

The Word never changes. God never changes. …But the Lord may change the way in which we do things. What use to be the right way before, may be changed to a different way for today. I used to travel to different nations evangelizing where I went; but now, I see the Lord’s hand upon me as one of the pastors in our church. Do I still evangelize? Yes, but in a different way. It is more through television, local ministry opportunities, and through this newsletter.

We are beginning a time of prayer and fasting in our church. Your church may not call a fast, but I want to encourage you to seek the Lord for 21 days. Daniel 10:2&3 says, “In those days I Daniel was mourning (fasting) three full weeks. I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.” Daniel fervently sought the Lord through prayers and fasting, and his prayers were answered.

Ask the Father to guide you in a time of prayer and fasting. I believe that there is something very significant about this Year of 2022.Could this be the time that the Prayer Bowls are filled for the last day revival? Could it be that the Father is getting ready to tilt those bowls with the answers to the earth? Does the Lord need you to reposition yourself? In order to be more effective in the kingdom of God, is the Lord asking us to “reposition ourselves”? …Or will we do the same-ole, same-ole and get the same-ole results? I’m ready for the new thing that our Lord wants to bring to earth (Is. 43:19). Let’s get ready, Church. I decree “revival” and then the “coming of the Lord”. “Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22:20)





Looking for a church home, join Charlotte at Park West Church




  • KFXB TV 40 Dubuque, IA, Fri. 10:30 am

  • KNLJ TV 25, Jefferson City, MO, Fri. 8:00 am

  • WHTN TV, Nashville, TN 4:00 pm

  • WVLR TV 48-Monday, 9:30am & Friday, 8pm.

  • Our program may be seen on the web,

  • Prayer hour on WVLR TV 48 every 2nd Wed. at 10 am



To schedule Charlotte to minister at your location, call 865-693-0144

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