The Year of the Door (Nov., 2023)
This is the year 5784 on the Greek calendar which means “The Year of the Door.” I understand that these doors are automatic doors. They...

Grateful for the Convicting Power of the Holy Spirit (Oct., 2023)
Have you ever experienced the conviction of the Holy Spirit? What does that even mean? The Bible tells us in John 16:8, “And when he...

Memories (Sept., 2023)
We all have memories. Some of them are wonderful memories; but oftentimes, they are not so good. We may reflect on a time when the Lord...

Plead Your Cause Before the Lord (Aug., 2023)
God instructs Moses to go to the Children of Israel. He explained that they have made a molten calf, have worshiped it, and sacrificed...

The Blood of Jesus Makes Us Free! (July 2023)
The month of July is often remembered as the month that we celebrate Independence Day, July 4. We may think about picnics, fireworks,...

I’m Not Who They Say I Am (June, 2023)
By: Charlotte Fawver One day again, she called me in front of the class. There was a stack of books on her desk. She asked me to place a...

Don't Miss God's Purpose in Your New Season (May, 2023)
By: Charlotte Fawver Elimilech and his wife, Naomi, sons: Maklon and Chilion left Bethlehem in Judah to go to Moab (Ruth 1:1-3). ...

He Lives (April 2023)
By: Charlotte Fawver Sunday, April 9 is Easter. It is the most important and oldest celebration of the Christian Church. What are we...

The Last Day Revival, The Rapture (March, 2023)
Many of us have been reading and listening to the details of revival at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. These revivals have been...

...God So Loved that He Gave (February, 2023)
We usually think of February as the love month. Why? …Because of Valentine’s Day. I purchase Robert that special card expressing my...