"Come and Sit with Me a While," Jesus. (January 2023)
I recall the days of early grammar school. I had teachers that had large, children’s books on their shelves. The pictures on the covers...

A Prayer for the Brokenhearted (December 2022)
Fifty years ago in Omaha Nebraska, Robert and I sat in a restaurant on Thanksgiving Day. We were a thousand miles away from family and...

"Thank You, Jesus" (November, 2022)
What do you think about when you remember this month of November? We may think of the necessary preparations for Christmas and the...

Living Life from Heavenly Places (October, 2022)
We are in flesh and walk to and fro in this earth. The born-again and the lost have this privilege. We experience hopes, joys,...

Deliverance to the Captive (September 2022)
One evening, Robert, Chaunta, and I had walked out our front door. Chaunta had visited with us for a while and was making her way to go...

"Father, Forgive Them" (August 2022)
I was married and a young mother. I loved the Lord, faithfully attended church, read my Bible, and prayed. I experienced the many...

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is Roaring (July 2022)
I was riding my bike in the park behind our house. I was around nine years of age. A boy that was somewhat older than me decided that...

The Danger in Not Disciplining Children (June 2022)
A few years ago, I walked up to a family at church. The man was holding a little girl. She was about three. I smiled at her; and all...

Are We Breaking God's Commandment by Not Being Filled With the Spirit? (May, 2022)
I asked Jesus to come into my heart at the age of nine. I loved the Lord. My parents took me to church every time that the church doors...

My God, My God, WHY? (April 2022)
We celebrate Easter this month: a celebration that Jesus died on the cross, but He arose from the dead victoriously three days later. ...